We went for a walk close to the Firth of Forth at Aberlady Nature reserve and met this Roe deer
Ika teaching us how to navigate under water on our Advanced Open Water qualification
A diving holiday where catching the ferry is rumoured to take you back to the 50s
A boat dive
We signed up for a boat dive to Gabar el Bint
Holiday photographs
New Skills
After a Monday at work I did not expect to be learning the new skill of extricating yourself from this situation
To find out why and how
Judy, Mike and Lynne – not last week!
I put some of the family’s photographs on-line a few months ago. Over Christmas we looked at them again and I realised that I had not completed the job. My father had them scanned and a few of these have a lot of dirt on them or the colours are wrong. I have spent some time adjusting them using Photoshop. I notice that I frequently had a camera in my hand and that it should have been no surprise that I took up climbing after looking at some of the shots of me on the beach an in the mountains.
Judy, Mike and Lynne – I assume it was Sarah’s Bunty
Family Photographs from the 60s and 70s
Slaidburn Forest of Bowland
There are not many places in England especially close to Manchester where it is quiet on a sunny day at the weekend. The Forest of Bowland used to be one of those places. When I was cycling the summer before last I stayed at Slaidburn Youth Hostel and thought at the time it would be nice to go back there when the weather was nice.
lythe Fell Road – North of Slaidburn
I cycled up the this road with a man of a similar age who was getting a 50 mile ride in before lunch and before his grandchildren arrived for the afternoon. Makes you think….
The Phil and Friends Challenge Ride
The advert for next year, the 2008 version covered the same course
Last ride in the Alpes and on to Brittany
La Roche aux Fees
For my last ride before going to meet Lynne I wanted something pretty, long but not too hard. From a colouring in point of view, yellow highlighter on map. The Alpe du Grd –Serre combined with the Col d’Ornon which I have done previously looked the best option.
The Alp d’ Huez from the road leading up to Villard Notre Dame
Sun 3rd of August
I thought I would rest today but looking up at the hillside from the campsite I could see the road that had been recommended to me by an English cyclist that connects to the road that comes down from the Col d’Ornon.
Alpe d’ Huez, Col de Sarenne and Col de St-Christophe
Sea of cloud while descending from the Col de Sarenne
La Marmotte – well some of it.
Col du Glandon, Col De Croix de Fer, Col du telegraphe and the Col du Galibier a long day
There is a cycle sportif that is held every year in the Alps that is supposed to be the hardest of them all and has more climbing than any other. It is called La Marmotte. I cannot enter it as it takes place in July and I am a teacher. I have never entered a cycle sportif but if I did this would be the one.
Col d’ Izoard
Col D’ Izoard on a very hot day
Monday 28th July
I traveled to Bourg D’ Oisans. I think I have mastered the travelling alone and map reading problem. I stop at an Aire, look at the map and memorise the next couple of junctions and then drive. I t seems to work. I love new technology but Sat Nav has not excited me yet. I like to know where I am. I do not like to be told where to go next!
I have a number of things I am incapable of doing one of them is navigating in crowded places, towns and in this case camp sites.