Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


Brecon Beacons

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 11:09 am

The drive down was without incident even though we dared to get within a few miles of Birmingham.

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Knocking on heaven’s door

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 8:32 pm

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Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 8:42 pm

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Lynne and I went to an afternoon concert with Steve and Mary. Zappa worked in Prague for Havel as an American Ambassador Zappa’s music is played in other places. This gargoyle has got a Zappa moustache and a Chunga’s revenge attitude? I knew there was something funny about this picture when I took it orginally – but I could not recognise Zappa until today!



Trip to London

Filed under: Information Technology — Mike Chapman @ 8:08 pm

Trinity has been selected as a Leading Edge School and I had a trip down to London for a DfES conference. The buzz words are collaboration and facilitation. A humerous version of the new role of LEA officials becomes match maker and trout tickler.


It is sad to tell

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 9:29 pm

Got up early for my cycle ride.


A fashion statement

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 4:41 pm

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If you have a fashion sense, flaunt it I say!

What are they up to?

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 4:35 pm

Zero gravity in Padfield – Anybody got an idea why they should put themselves in this positon? Answers on a comment please.
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