Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


Tropical Delph

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 11:15 pm

We went to Delph to cycle and plan a holiday. I put on sun screen to save the parts of the skull that had been exposed by my recent haircut.

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Jane between-feeds, Lynne Chapman, Steve Tansey and Choe Brooks?


Mont Albo – Sinsicola

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 10:12 pm

I Had to find out how much the body could cope with, so I planned this big ride about sixty miles around Monte Albo, it is marked in green on the map, scenic, and appeared to gain a lot of height and then keep it for a considerable distance.

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Walk to Tiscali

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 6:46 pm

We woke up to a sky full of cloud and a cool temperature, very cool 10C. It was obviously a walking day. Where to go?

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Oresei, Irgoli, Norghio and back.

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 8:58 pm

It rained during the night and it was raining in the morning. I had a pleasant morning on the computer working on photographs. I needed to get some exercise and see some scenary.

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Some photos

It rained

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 6:09 pm

Lynne and I have just started the same ride that I attempted yesterday. The differences are that it is blowing a gale and it is raining. Perfect training for the Outer Hebrides is my retort to the negative waves from my partner.

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A second attempt to find flamingos

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 10:13 pm

So we did not see the flamingos at our first attempt, what we needed were more resources.

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A visit to Piscinas

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 9:14 pm

A two hour drive to visit the biggest sand dunes in Europe. What I did not know was that it was the Llanberris of Sardinia, old mine workings and weather to match, it rained for a while.

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The Photos


Monte Ferru

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 9:42 pm

Cabras is a town that we have been avoiding for a number of reasons. The first being that the email sent to me giving directions to the area stated specifically to avoid it.


We were being watched on our ride



A flamingo hunt

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 9:07 pm

Lynne and I negotiated a cycle ride with Kate. A twenty mile round trip to see the flamingos. Kate would have a lie-in and get some sunshine.

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The road to Putzu Idu.


A postcard from Sardinia

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 9:22 pm

It is not easy to start the family holiday the day after you finish work. There is no preparing the mind and the body, it is just straight into it. A 5:30 am start with the usual intention of I will catch up with sleep on the plane, in the car but it never happens.
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