Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


It had to happen

Filed under: cycling,General — Mike Chapman @ 8:48 pm

The weather was warm and we got the touring bikes out. It took so long to get them set up and drive to Elton that we had carrot cake and coffee before we started. It was a pleasant ride apart from a cat that did its best to commit suicide under my front wheel. As it was a new bike my reactions were slower than I would have liked.

One of the wild first flowers in Spring – Coltsfoot


It led to tears

Filed under: cycling,General — Mike Chapman @ 8:37 pm

The Proposition – I did not take photographs this weekend it was too cold to take my gloves off.

Lynne and I went to a see a film on Friday night an Australian western, not a common subject for films. It was called the “The Proposition”, there were some great landscape views, sunsets, violence and a lot of flies! (more…)


We meet some happy pigs

Filed under: cycling,General — Mike Chapman @ 9:14 pm

A new friend that no one, in my opinion, should ever think of eating.

The weather is full-bore winter, it is close to the middle of March and there are few signs of Spring – the odd Lapwing, a few snowdrops and some catkins. Today it was close to freezing with a bit of sun mixed in with snow/sleet showers. Somebody once said there is nothing wrong with the weather if you feel cold when cycling you are just wearing the wrong clothes. (more…)

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