A strange sight greeted us when we looked down
A slow puncture
A Geology lesson
Bedoin camp on the old road to Igherm
Lynne and I cycled together without the car on the old road to Igherm on an amazing road that would have made a very good geology lesson.
A quality picnic site
A cheap hotel
it took us three years to find an otter to go with the beware of otters sign. It was a lot quicker with a camel.
I woke up just before the sun rose and took some photographs. The bicycle bag makes an excellent mattress. We drove into Assa for fuel and coffee, breakfast was an energy bar. We took the turn to Foum-el-hassan and I got on the bike and Lynne drove.
We start a road trip
We get to the dunes close to Zag in the Western Sahara
I have finished my marking, it took until lunchtime. If all my students had done what I had asked them to do we would be here for another couple of days but as it is we will leave tomorrow. After finishing my work I went for a training ride past the old port, the rubbish dump and the donkeys that were eating the rubbish. I met the dog pack but they do not cause any problems.
It is hard not to talk about the weather as it is ingrained into us island people to do so. When you go to a place were it is sunny everyday you still have to talk about it. I think the sky was particularly blue today and the cool breeze from the Atlantic was refreshing.
A village above Mirleft
A shipwreck
Ship wreck up the coast from Sid Ifni
Having a hotel on one side and a café on the other has some advantages as we had fresh orange juice and coffee from the café and croissants from a bakery. We made the bikes up on the roof terrace and went for an exploratory ride along the coast.
Going on Holiday
Manchester – Marrakech – Sidi Ifni
Sidi Ifni
Sidi Ifni an Atlantic seaside town in south Morocco that used to be a Spanish colony until the 60s. The town was created in a grid pattern with the buildings in the Art Deco style – a very attractive place to do five days marking before going on a road trip. I knew that getting there in one day would cause problems and it did.