Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


Team trip to Wales – Llanberis pass

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 8:38 pm

It is me on Shadow Wall Carreg Wastad! photograph Ali Smigova

I went to Wales with Lynne, Ali, Mike, Pete and Haley. A weekend that was a regular trip in the late 70s and 80s. It was fun to do a couple or routes feeding off the excitement of some younger people who were doing them for the first time. We decided to camp (more…)


Dahab and Sharm Fish Photographs

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 7:34 pm

I promised myself that I would not take photographs underwater until I was a good enough diver to be able to manage the diving without much thought so I could concentrate on the camera settings. I am getting there but I dived with people that have done hundreds of dives David Salgo and Swiss Robinson. I have taken their photographs, they were diving with me when most of these were taken, played with them in Photoshop and produced this album.

Dahab and Sharm photographs – Swiss Robinson and David Salgo


A diving holiday that was Dahab and Sharm-El-Sheik

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 8:35 pm

26 dives and 23 hours underwater, I like diving

Above water photographs

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