Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.



Filed under: — Mike Chapman @ 4:58 pm

Holystone wood

I think the trees at the front are Norway spruce (they have circles on bark) and and by the stream Western Hemlock trees in forest
Hemlocks small cones, needles on pegs. Behind the oak wood is a large forest of mainly western hemlock.

Sitka spruce after stream
Western red cedar bark red and soft strips leaves pinapple smell
Sweet chessnut by road
Sessile oaks by roadside
English oak in wood above stream
Oak Sessile acorns without stalks
Beech in row very old
Goat willow
Logepole pines (young behind oaks on walk) cones have a minute prickle
06/02/20 Holystone Are there Douglas Firs there I think I saw cones with the snake tongue bract. Check

Path up to limekilns


Oriental Spruce close to car park right hand side has a label
Down by Bridge Causican firs Very tall cones with dogs tongues facing downwards(bracts scales

Noble Fir grey leaves, grooved above and flattened2 thin grey lines above, 2 whitish lines below
Firs needles attached by sucker
Douglas Fir large corky bark very lumpy, Cones have bracts with three teeth. (Need to check

05/02/20 Cragside. Giant Sequia close to road R side near car park. The large trees with very rough bark Douglas Firs. Lawsons Cyprus close to archimedes screw Noble Fir close to burn. Giant Fir close to Pump house


25/12/19 Doddington Hall 3 very old 450 years plus sweet chestnut trees

01/12/20 Whitefield farm Hepple Juniper

21/01/20 trees Pines after bridge in Thropton are they Austian/corsican check buds best guess Austrian

Clumber Park

01/01/20  Lime Avenue at entrance a lot sweet chestnuts around lake. A lot of Cedar of Lebanons very old. A few very tall western red cedars. Bhutan Pine very fine needles in 5s very large cone.

Howick Hall

08/02/20 A lot of labelled trees great for learning identification. take large book

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