Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


A long weekend

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 10:01 pm


A much needed break.



Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 10:26 pm

I have discovered plugins for movable type. I have installed photogallery, a plugin that can produce a photo album with no effort. It looks through a named directory to find the files and displays them.


Another sunset

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 8:21 pm

Padfield sunset.jpg

The sunset on Saturday was exceptional on Sunday it was as good.


Sod’s Law

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 6:37 pm

Mottram Church sunset.jpg

Recognise the church? It is Mottram.


Kate is 15

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 8:37 pm

Kate birthday lights.jpg


Tissington Trail – High Peak Trail

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 8:28 pm

An older man’s ride

We did not feel like young ones so we did an easier ride.
Tissington trail web.jpg


Mynydd Forest and LLaneglwys wood, North of Brecon

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 9:24 pm

We decided to get up early on Saturday and go for a ride rather than pack-up and go home.

lynne view.jpg



Bruised ribs and all

Filed under: cycling,Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 10:06 pm

fox web.jpg

I stopped to read the map, in spite of having reading glasses on I noticed movement. A combination of the noise of the stream and the wind blowing in my face allowed me to observe this fox.

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