Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


1954 and all that

Filed under: Family matters,General — Mike Chapman @ 9:31 pm

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Watching the football 1954 from Pathe news

I was struggling to find a topic for the set of assemblies I had to do last week. It was Mother’s day and my birthday so I came up with a compromise of the year 1954, (more…)


Mother’s day or more importantly my birthday

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 11:16 pm

Sunday was my birthday and also mother’s day.

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We did a bit of eating over the weekend. Curry on Saturday and cake on Sunday.

The day started with a couple of punctures before we left home. One was caused by a thorn the other was tyre lever error. It would be truethful to say that there was more than a couple of tyre lever errors by both Lynne and I.




Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 9:31 pm

I learnt to climb here. I saw yellowhammers for the first time and listened to their song. A friend had a climbing accident here about 35 years ago. Windgather was a place to be introduced to the delights of rock climbing. As Lynne Judy and I started our ride it started to rain and then hail. We passed Windgather and had to navigate a number of cars filled with young people starting their climbing apprenticiships. Lynne commented that it was unlikely that anyone would want to climb when there was rain and hail. She has a short memory or mine is more sensitive to the need to go climbing.


This is not Windgather but a view close by. The Peak District has Peaks around here

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