Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


Christmas Padfield 2010

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 2:58 pm

Christmas day Padfield

Christmas was at Padfield. Kate was staying with us, she has an overdraft, and Lena and my parents arrived on Christmas eve. It was very cold but it allowed us to get out of the house for walks. As we prepare the house for our departure it becomes more comfortable. New patio, living room carpet, kitchen cabinets and various rooms have had a lick of paint. We had a lot of food and wine and we were all well behaved!

Some photographs


Doctor’s gate and down the A57 road

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 8:34 pm

Lynne and Judy Doctor’s Gate

The first day of my Christmas holiday. It takes a few days to unwind after a Christmas term. I was up at 6:30 the cricket news was bad as I mended our Dualit toaster. The only moving part, the clockwork timer had broken. This is unfortunate as you make your toast the timer sticks and you only know you have burnt the toast when you smell or see the smoke. A Google search suggested the answer and the spare part was inserted before 7:30 this morning. How satisfying is that! Lynne and Judy joined me for a walk up Doctor’s Gate and down the road. Arctic conditions. The impressions in the snow of the black Grouse landing and the Hare tracks stick in the memory. The icicles were also good.

The photographs


Cutthroat Bridge

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 9:15 pm

Kate and Stuart were back from their trip to Barcelona. We all went for a walk for the second weekend running and we were lucky to have good weather on both weekends. I took a similar photograph here seven years ago. We also visited Grindle Clough with a barn that has ceramic tiles produced by an artist working in residence with a local Junior School. We thought we had provided for Stuarts need for food only to realise he had left it behind he survived on reduced rations.


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