Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


Oxspring – Cawthorne – Dudworth

Filed under: cycling,General — Mike Chapman @ 7:24 pm

Some Yorkshire names to juggle with.

The spring flowers are out. It took me a while to work this one out- a lesser Stichwort I think. I found some bridleway near to The Yorkshire Sculpture Park last Saturday and this week, with Lynne’s bike working, we worked out a circular ride that was a little close to the motorway but was good for woodland flowers. Wood Sorrel, Wood anemone, lesser Stichwort and the first Bluebells.


Not a success

Filed under: Family matters,General — Mike Chapman @ 7:45 pm

Judy, Mike and a Giraffe at Longside Gallery Yorshire Sculpture Park

The plan was to park at The Yorkshire Sculpture Park, go for a ride and have lunch and a gander at the Longisde Gallery. The plan fell apart at the first hurdle. Lynne got on her bike and the gear change had jammed. I went for a ride and Lynne and Judy went for a walk.


A big day out

Filed under: cycling,General — Mike Chapman @ 8:22 pm

The road to Bosa has great scenery. The curved overhang looks tasty!

Buckets full of countryside was what I needed. We had an early start cycling by 9:00am. The intention was for me to cycle over the hills to Alghero and come back along the coast – 60 miles.


The road to Alghero

Filed under: cycling,General — Mike Chapman @ 7:40 pm

Lynne at the seaside with weird rock formations

The Germans who were leaving early woke us up before 6:00 am. The good news was that we could see the stars. A sunny day? We had breakfast on the patio and cycled off in the sunshine.

See the photographs



A man waiting to join his elders?

Filed under: cycling,General — Mike Chapman @ 8:43 pm

A man waiting to join his elders?

It was in the master plan for it stop raining by lunchtime. So it was good news that it was not raining when we started out but not so good news that there were spots of rain in the air by the time we got to the top of the first hill accompanied by the house dog.

see the photographs



Welsh weather

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 8:30 pm

The Americans have the Hummer the Sardinians the Ape Cross Country I know which I prefer

We awoke to Welsh rain and lots of it. Years of experience meant we would get the best out of the day in spite of the wather. We eventually went to Bosa for shopping and breakfast. Before we left a man arrive to mend the window.

more photographs



Sardinian monsters

Filed under: cycling,General — Mike Chapman @ 8:56 pm

Lynne in an ape, Sardinians in scary costumes, other wall paintings and my new bike

We had been studying the weather forecast for Sardinia for the last week so we expected an inch of rain today. To wake up with a dark sky but no rain was a bonus. It started to rain as we left the house.


A holiday in Sardinia

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 9:51 pm

Another beach holiday for Lynne

We have had a poor record over the last few years of getting up at the right time for early starts to holidays. We were particularly concerned as we were going away without children. It was kate’s alarm on the last couple of occasions that saved us. So at 1:00 am exactly our radio alarm, my watch and kate’s alarm all trumpeted their presence and we got up.

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