Lynne and Judy in a woody place on the way to Chambord
Distance 50K
Bauzy – Neuvy – Bracieyx – Chambord – la Chaussee le comte and back
Lovely weather, lovely place. We cycled after having had a smoked salmon lunch sitting in the sun outside the Gite. Our ride involved a lot of forest tracks and concrete cycle tracks through the oak and sweet chestnut, very nice. The weather was near perfect and after making the observation that we had forgotten any bird, plant and tree books and the ensuing argument about whose responsibility it was to pack them we began to relax. This discussion was prompted by a number of vulture like birds passing overhead and seeing Toadflax by the side of the road.

The Chateau Chambord – nice country house with a thirty mile wall to keep the game in the forest. It is no wonder the French lost their royalty
Our first site of the chateau Chambord brought a smile to the face, towers, turrets and curly bits in a perfect blue sky. It is no wonder the French got rid of royalty at the earliest opportunity. 1800 hundred workers for fifteen years is an expensive project.