Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


Valle de Ourika – High Atlas

Filed under: cycling,Family matters,General — Mike Chapman @ 7:43 pm

Marrakech – Setti Fatma – Tahanaoute – Marrakech 130 Km

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Marrakech in February has mountains to the south that are covered in snow – the High Atlas. That was irresistible to a man with who has bought his bicycle with him and has escorted two ladies around the town for a few days.

The photographs


Marrakech jardins and food stalls

Filed under: Family matters,General — Mike Chapman @ 9:53 pm

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Jardin majorelle created by the painter Jacques Majorelle and was delightful

We stayed in a delightful Riad, a town house that had a roof garden with a courtyard that was normally open to the elements. As it was winter max temp 24/25 they had a plastic roof but we still shared our living area with birds.



Three hours on a plane gets you here

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 8:47 pm

A 4:30 start and a taxi ride to Manchester got us to Marrakech for morning coffee. An instant culture shock as there were only a few differences from Old Delhi thirty years ago. The differences being mobile phones the Internet and scooters. It was a delight watching Kate’s face as we wandered throught the city.

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A shop in the street next to our Riad in Marrakech


Wetting the baby’s head

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 9:56 pm

As a family we travelled to Lincoln in the Berlingo. It would be fair to report that Lena and Kate complained about the comfort of the vehicle until they went to sleep and on awaking the abuse for the vehicle’s comfort was ten times as bad. Lynne and I found this extremely amusing!

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Barbara and Peter with assorted Grandchildren

I took a lot of photographs


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