Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


YSP and Spotify

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 6:43 pm

Igor Mitoraj

We are becoming regular visitors of the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, on Friday we went with young children. It adds an extra dimension!

The photographs Sarah’s and mine combined



Proper rest

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 8:12 pm

I promised myself I would rest my knee over half-term. Lynne and I decided to walk around Bradfield in the snow. It was not a rest as it was difficult to walk in the snow. We spent some time in the Church. The guttering was impressive. We always thought the Church was too large and ornate for the village. We found out there had been a Priory nearby.



Training to do as little as possible

Filed under: General — Mike Chapman @ 8:16 pm

Snow above Padfield

I knew the time would come when I would have a period of my life when I should not exercise. It appears to have arrived. I have Knee pain that though never extreme is a continual annoyance. I suspect I need to do as little exercise as possible for quite awhile. I have purchased a lens that can get me a little closer to things without going there. The problem was this weeked I still did too much walking.

some photographs

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