Chaplog tries hard In which an ageing climber comes to terms with life closer to the ground.


Holmbridge and Digley

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 8:47 pm

Judy and I had a good ride today in very pleasant conditions. Now a geezer from New Zealand and an uncle from Australia have been going on about the weather s they have at this time of year but…

towards Jacksom bridge.jpg



Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 8:16 pm

We went to Lincoln. Mike, Lynne, Lena, Kate, Judy, Adee, Sarah, Mark and Isabel to be together at Christmas.

Judy and Lena. small.jpg

I have spent a number of hours installing and configuring a programme called Gallery. An Open Source programme that does clever things with photographs on-line. There is a link on my side bar. “Chaplog Gallery of Photographs” It is easier to maintain than inserting all the photographs into the Weblog.

I hope to be able to put links to the album of pictures for a particular entry, for example Christmas O3 pictures


Pre Christmas weekend

Filed under: Family matters — Mike Chapman @ 9:45 pm

Sunday was cold with the first snow. We went for a walk.



Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 10:16 pm

I am not usually very happy at this time of year and this year is no exception. I list the potential causes:



The Three Shires

Filed under: cycling — Mike Chapman @ 10:01 pm

“Sixteen miles, about half off road, should take a couple of hours”. Four hours and bit later we returned to the car. Are we really that slow?

Harpur hill 2.jpg

Steep track above Hillhead quarry on three Shire Heads ride

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