The Family walk to Bottoms Reservoir
We celebrated Christmas in Padfield this year.
The Family walk to Bottoms Reservoir
We celebrated Christmas in Padfield this year.
I have not got into a holiday routine yet as I am waking up at 6:00am and cannot go back to sleep. When it got light I could it see it was going to be sunny so I set off for a walk with my new walking boots. These are my new toy, as I cannot cycle, I have invested in a pair of Alt-Berg boots measured for width as well as length – very comfy and also as close to waterproof as you can get.
Sunrise on the walk to Cock Hill
I have been meaning to start using the RAW format for managing my photographs these are my first attempts.
A favourite spot I have visted many times before on a bike or with the family (follow this link for when we were there 5 years ago) . Judy and I worked out a circular route from Cutthroat bridge to Whinstone Lee Tor and then on to the barn with the ceramics and down to the laydybower reservoir and on to the Ladybower hotel and back to the bridge.
Lynne is due a knee operation, my knee allows me to walk and not cycle. On the other hand Judy’s knees are hurting in symphathy. We walked from Hayfied to the top of the Snake Pass. Trips where you take two cars, leave one at your destination and then all drive to the start, are always amusing. The reason being that the logistics are rarely agreed by everybody. The weather was perfect, cold and perfectly clear. I have up-dated the versions of WordPress and Gallery that I use. You should not notice the difference unless you look at the slideshow. It uses some new software that can only be described as cool. Cooliris for Firefox and Cooliris for Internet Explorer can be downloaded for free. They are plugins for Firefox and Internet Explorer. They make looking at photographs a better experience.
The forecast said fog and we could see it in the valley from the house. As the fog rolled into Pafield we headed for the high ground at the top of the Snake Pass.
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